In the web world there is a lot of buzz about "AJAX" technology and no, it has nothing to do with that cleaner you may have stashed away under your kitchen sink. AJAX is one of the key technologies behind the new term "Web 2.0" and stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. That clarifies everything doesn’t it? Basically it’s a relatively new technology for building websites that can have dynamic content, such as feature boxes, menus, or tabs that slide into place on your site with a groovy effect. It can also allow you to load content on your website without refreshing the entire page, which means faster loading for your visitors, which is always a good thing.You’ve probably ran into AJAX technology already on site such as Facebook, Youtube, or Flickr and didn’t even know it.
We’ve recently decided to up our commitment to this new AJAX technology. Based on the current trends of the web, javascript technology, such as AJAX, will play a large role in the future of websites. A big advantage of AJAX libraries such as jquery, is you can have neat animated effects on your websites without the use of Flash. Flash is a wonderful technology in itself, but unfortunately it does not perform well for search engine optimization and it is a pain to edit content developed in Flash. Since we develop many sites using a content management system, having the ability to edit this animated content is a big plus. So what does this mean to you? If you are interested in jumping in on the AJAX "Web 2.0" bandwagon, ask us how we can help!
Here are a few sites we’ve recently lanched that takes advantage of AJAX technology: