Content Marketing

  1. 10 Reasons Your Website Isn’t Getting Enough Traffic

    Having a website that isn’t getting much traffic is like having a driver’s license without having a reliable vehicle. You have the ability to go somewhere, but not the means with which to do it.

    We all know the value of having a website – after all, it is one of the best ways to attract new clientele and let them know who you are and what you have to offer. But, there’s more to the process than merely having a website- you also need to have website traffic. So, what could be the causes of your website getting less traffic than you expected.

  2. Do You Have A Content Strategy? Develop One that Meets Your Needs!

    By now, we have all heard the phrase “content strategy.” You may even have an idea of what it is and how it affects your business. But if you have not given content strategy any real thought then 2020 is a great time to do so.

  3. Is Your Website as Powerful as it Could Be? Tips for 2019!

    Did You Know….

    • Studies show that product/service assessment takes buyers about 90 seconds.
    • When that same shopper is looking to buy online, that number is reduced to 8 seconds – 94% of those impressions are influenced by the website design.
    • More startling, is that when shopping online, your product is not just judged for what it is but 75% of users judge your brand credibility based on your website design.

    Consequently, it is vital that you have a website design that commands the attention of your site guests, so that you can maximize user engagement.

  4. Marketing Tips to Boost 2018 Holiday Revenue

    It might be hard to believe, but Christmas is but 10 weeks away. Consequently, now is the time to step up your marketing plan – after all, a recent survey found that 35.5% of shoppers will begin their holiday shopping before Thanksgiving. So, if you have not yet begun a marketing campaign, then now is the time to do so.

    Of course, as you begin your 2018 marketing plan, there are a variety of things to keep in mind. The following tips are from WooCommerce, Entrepreneur, and other reliable web sources.

  5. internet marketing, Raleigh, N.C.

    7 Key Components of Strategic Internet Marketing

    Are your customers and prospects finding you online? Nine out of 10 consumers will research products and services online before making a purchase, phone call or reservation. And three out of five will complete their shopping online.

    Businesses are increasingly depending on their web presence for both marketing and sales. Those who are most successful have a strategic plan, identifying their target markets, specifying the online channels to reach them, setting goals, etc.

    Consistent with the ever-changing landscape of the internet, new tools and tactics for marketing and sales can seem to pop up overnight. For those operating a small business, it can be overwhelming to stay informed of the latest best practices. So we’ve compiled this list of key components for consideration in your 2016 internet marketing plan.

  6. Marketing with LinkedIn

    LinkedIn Marketing: A Survey of Tips from Social Media Experts

    “LinkedIn is one of the most effective platforms for expanding your reach and improving your business results,” reports a June 2015 article on

    With 364 million members globally (around one-third of those in the U.S.), LinkedIn is living up to its claim to be the largest professional network. And it’s not only for job-seekers. Recent developments are expanding its reach as a networking and business development tool for businesses of all sizes.

  7. content marketing, Raleigh, NC

    Content Marketing: Making It Work for You

    Think “blog post” when you hear the term content marketing? Blogging was one of the earliest content forms and can be a significant element of content marketing — but it’s rarely the only one. Potential elements are numerous and can include email campaigns, an active social media presence, downloadable white papers or e-books, even in-person events.

    Content Marketing Institute defines content marketing as “the strategic approach of creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and acquire a clearly defined audience – with the objective of driving profitable customer action.” Key aspects of the approach are providing information (content) that educates, entertains and engages members of the target audience, establishing the content provider as an accessible authority on the matter at hand, and developing a relationship of trust and loyalty with audience members.

  8. e-commerce websites, internet marketing

    Operating a WebStore? Here’s an Online Holiday Shopping Checklist

    Is your website ready for holiday shoppers?  Earlier this month, released its 2014 online holiday sales forecast. The National Retail Federation’s digital retail division predicted an increase in November and December of 8 to 11 percent over last year – anticipating up to $105 billion in e-commerce transactions this holiday season.

    With this optimistic forecast in mind, those who operate online stores have only a couple of weeks to finalize preparations for the shopping rush. Here is a checklist to determine your readiness: