
  1. Internet Marketing: 7 Tips to Improve Your Results Now

    Are traffic and engagement on your website less than you hoped for? How are you marketing it? Internet marketing is the umbrella term referring to many avenues for promoting your business online. It includes search engine optimization (SEO), social media, email marketing and more, tactics that drive traffic to your website and engage visitors’ attention once they arrive.

  2. Mobile-friendly websites

    How to Design a Mobile Website That Works

    Have you joined the mobile-friendly website bandwagon? Still holding out due to uncertainty that it’s really necessary? Consider this. Analysts predict that by 2017 two out of three users worldwide will access content via mobile device rather than a personal computer.

    Being halfway through the third quarter of 2016, it’s a good time to optimize your site for mobile and be ready to engage as many holiday shoppers as possible. 

  3. Mobile-friendly websites, Google, Raleigh

    More Mobile-Friendly Google Search Coming April 21

    Have you typed a term into Google search on your phone recently? If so, you’re in good company – as some estimates say more than six out of every 10 Google searches are mobile. If you’ve been in the six or seven, did you find what you were looking for? Did your search results provide a link to a relevant, mobile-friendly site, one that could be viewed easily on your phone?

    Google wants to ensure its mobile users are getting “friendly” results. Consequently, in 10 days the company will institute a significant change in how it ranks pages in mobile searches.