PPC Marketing

  1. Benefits of SEO

    SEO Versus Google Ads – What Works the Best?

    Which is better – investing in SEO or Google Ads? While it might seem like a very simple question, there is no such thing as a simple answer. In fact, according to a recent report based on just over 1,000 marketing professionals and business owners whose both organic and paid search tactics the results were nearly tied. 

    More than three quarters said both were effective, however, if forced to pick just one, 36% lean towards SEO and 64% opt for Google Ads.  Some of the criteria each of the approaches were based included effectiveness, benefits, importance, simplicity and cost.  However, it should also be noted that a separate survey found that only 30% of Small Business Owners had an SEO strategy. When done well, the cost of SEO and using Google Ads are typically about the same if you have to hire an agency to perform the SEO and a writer to develop all your content each week.

    So, when it comes to choosing to focus on SEO or Google ads, how do you determine where to put your efforts? The short answer is most businesses should be implementing both strategies. Each strategy has advantages and disadvantages over the other. But assuming you only have the resources to pursue one strategy first, let’s take a few minutes to compare and contrast the two.

  2. Google Ad Campaign Types

    In today’s post, we will be giving a quick breakdown of the 5 main campaign types offered by Google Ads.  You wouldn’t believe how many people we run into who have no idea that Google offers such a wide range of advertising options on their platform.  If you’re one of those people, this article is for you.  There are 5 different campaign types for you to choose from depending on your budget, business type or industry, location and overall advertising goals.  Each of these campaign types open up some pretty cool secondary options which allow you to tailor the performance and functionality of your ads.

    The five campaign types are as follows:  Search, Display, Video, Shopping and App.  These campaign types are centered around Google’s advertising networks which include the Search Network, Display Network and the YouTube Network.  For the sake of simplicity, we’ll just give you a brief rundown of each campaign type; and hopefully provide a little insight on which one would be more suitable for your business and advertising goals.

  3. Google Ads | The Best Bang For Your Buck

    Hey everyone, I’m Matthew Slyman, Strategic Web Marketer and Consultant at Page Progressive.  In today’s blog post, I explain how, out of all the mainstream forms of advertising, Google Ads can get you the best bang for your buck.

    Before I get started:  In the last post, I explained why Google Ads is hands-down the most powerful form of advertising on the planet.  If you missed that entry, consider visiting our clicking here and checking it out. But in that last blog post, I made a direct comparison to some of the most mainstream forms of advertising including TV, Radio and Billboard. And I also told you how advertising with Google can be done at 1/5th the cost…and in some cases, even less than that.