internet marketing

  1. What is Multifactor Authentication, and Why is it Important?

    Multifactor authentication, also known as MFA, two-factor authentication, 2FA, two-step verification, or dual-factor authentication, is a security protocol that requires more than one type of security action to ensure one has the proper access to a website, tool, account, etc. Using a dual-factor approach is one of the most effective approaches to protecting what is yours.

    Today’s businesses are frequently trolled, and attempts are made to breach our online resources. In fact, according to, ‘more than 80% of hacking breaches involve brute force attacks or the use of lost or stolen credentials.’ A brute force attack is a hacking method that uses repeated approaches to crack passwords, login creds, and encryption to gain access. While this approach may sound remedial, it is effective and popular for hackers everywhere. But just as on the playing field, one of your best defenses is a good offense. Hence, there is a need for a multifactor authentication process.

  2. Ecommerce Homepage Practices to Minimize Lead Bounces

    Ready or not, Christmas is just around the corner. And while that may bring mixed feelings, one thing is safe to assume, more consumers will be doing online shopping. So, what can you do the make sure your website is ready for the extra activity? After all, you don’t just need to have the right products and services available you need to have a website that is inviting and easy to use and navigate. Failing to do this will result in lead bounces and ultimately affect your bottom line.

  3. 8 Ways to Use Google Trends for SEO

    By now, nearly anyone with a website knows what search engine optimization (SEO) is and how important it is. But, have you heard of the Google Trends Tool? If not, then now is a great time to learn what it is and how to make it work for you and improve your SEO.

    What is Google Trends?

    We all know that Google has a myriad of tools that can be utilized to improve our web experience, but how many of these tools are you taking advantage of to benefit your website? If one of them is not Google Trends, then now is the time to start using it.

    Originally introduced in 2006, Google Trends has gone through several iterations with the most recent one being in 2018. It is a free tool providing information on specific search terms, based on their popularity, and how they are being used YouTube and Google. When you use this tool, you will know what is trending, be in touch with local search trends and know what the popular topics and subtopics are within an industry or theme.

    Having this type of knowledge can help you tailor your website and social media activity so that you rank higher in search engine results.

  4. Business websites raleigh nc

    Why Does My Business Need a Website?

    If you are a business owner looking for a way to get an edge over the competition, then one of the best steps you can take is to have a great company website.  While this might seem like an obvious action to take, there are many businesses out there who have yet to take the website plunge. They might cite any number of reasons for not having a website, so let’s take a look at some of the common ones.

  5. Why Your Website is More Important Than Your Business Card

    The large desk calendar. The abundance of manila folders. The Rolodex. The business card. If you think back to the average desk from 30 years ago, these were common items found in any office. And, all of them served their purpose and allowed companies to be effective and efficient. But while these items can still be useful, modern technology has definitely taken a lead role- especially that of the website over the business card.

    While a business card still has its perks, not the least of which being those ‘free lunch’ business card drawings, there are many reasons to consider putting a great deal of your resources into the building, maintaining, and updating your company website. In fact, it can easily be said that a website is far more valuable than a business card- as nice as those little cards might be!

  6. 10 Reasons Your Website Isn’t Getting Enough Traffic

    Having a website that isn’t getting much traffic is like having a driver’s license without having a reliable vehicle. You have the ability to go somewhere, but not the means with which to do it.

    We all know the value of having a website – after all, it is one of the best ways to attract new clientele and let them know who you are and what you have to offer. But, there’s more to the process than merely having a website- you also need to have website traffic. So, what could be the causes of your website getting less traffic than you expected.

  7. Google Analytics, Goal Conversion and Getting Results from Your Website

    You may think of your website as merely a way to be found on the Web. Perhaps, you see it as just another way of improving your business. Each of these thoughts is correct. However, in order for your website, and by extension your business, to be found and your revenue improves then you need to have more than just a website – you need to have a marketing plan that leverages your website to transform into conversions, or actionable items such as signing up for your newsletter,  filling out a contact form or purchasing something from your store.

  8. Business Internet Marketing – DIY versus Hiring a Team

    Being successful in today’s world of business is much more involved than it once was. Gone are the days where business meetings, networking, TV/radio commercials, and sending out flyers were enough to grow a business. Today’s businesses must also incorporate aspects such as PPC (pay-per-click) advertising campaigns, social media, SEO, and others in order to be found in web searches. 

    And while most businesses of today recognize that these additional elements are necessary, many of them are stumped as to how to implement them within their marketing strategy, if they even have a marketing strategy. Some either ignore these strategies altogether, others hire someone younger with the assumption that they will know how to implement various new technologies or they reach out to a team of professionals to take on tasks such as social media management and marketing, PPC, web design, SEO, etc.