social media

  1. Ways to Leverage Facebook Graph Search and EdgeRank to Your Advantage

    Today’s post has been contributed by guest author, Eric Taylor of Qwaya. The ideas expressed here do not necessarily represent those of Page Progressive. By publishing this post, we are not endorsing the product with which the author is affiliated.

    Oh, Facebook! It sure seems quite simple to look at it, an understated elegance if you will. But once you lift up the hood, it’s like a small engine mechanic looking at the electrical intricacies of a Mercury probe. Don’t fret, though; aspects of Facebook like EdgeRank and Graph Search only appear to be complicated. Once you get through some tech jargon, you’ll find that it’s really just a type of site-contained SEO.

  2. 11 Tips for Using Social Media to Help Potential Customers Find You

    “Ready or not, here I come!” As in the classic children’s game Hide and Seek, someone is looking for you – are you ready? Can customers find your business in the “social” marketplace?

    There are countless tools for promoting your business – from T-shirts, pens and business cards to billboards and local event sponsorships. Online, there are websites, landing pages, search engine optimization (SEO), pay per click ads and, now, social media.

    Yes, the online world has gone “social.” With increasing numbers of users on these platforms every day (across age ranges!), it appears they are here to stay. Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, LinkedIn and Pinterest are among the most popular. Each of these provides new opportunities for your customers to “find” you (and for you to find them) every day.

  3. Understanding EdgeRank for Facebook Success

    What content do you want to see in your Facebook news feed? The answer is highly debated and varies according to each individual user on this popular social media platform.

    Facebook’s ever-changing algorithm, EdgeRank, determines what shows up in individual news feeds. It’s helpful to understand some basics about the algorithm in order to get the most mileage from your Facebook business page.

    EdgeRank sorts posts based on three factors: affinity, weight and time decay. Higher rankings in these three areas means an item is more likely to show up in a user’s news feed.

  4. 8 Best Business Practices for the New Facebook News Feeds

    Here are eight ways to get more mileage as a business from the new Facebook news feeds:

    1. Publish more visual content. Incorporate a photo or video into your posts to garner more pick up in the types of news feeds your fans are choosing. (Some may opt for a news feed of images and exclude ‘text only’ posts.)
    2. Plan photo-focused ads. Pair strong, persuasive copy with an engaging photo in your ads. (Avoid using ‘random,’ uninteresting photos.)
    3. Keep your copy short. With the emphasis on photos, Facebook has changed how it displays captions. They no longer appear below the photos but overlay them in the news feeds. Keep your copy brief, informative and engaging. Use a call to action to engage your fans.
  5. Make it Visual for Facebook’s New Update

    Facebook’s latest revisions give greater emphasis to visual content in news feeds, provide users more feed filtering options, and create consistency across computer, tablet and mobile access devices. Knowing how and why this social media platform is changing can help you make the most of it for your business.

  6. Have You Discovered the Latest? Get the Scoop on

    Content is king. Nothing new about that, is there? Also not new, is that many of us do not have the time to create new content. So, we farm it out within the office, hire a copywriter or perhaps, do nothing at all. But, what if there were another alternative to Web content? Enter curation via

    By Marc Roger’s, one of the founders of, definition, curation on the Web is defined as selecting, editing and then sharing existing material. These shared ideas are often what spark inspiration. After all, there is no reason to recreate what has already been created. And should there be any concern about plagiarism or copyright issues, is careful to give credit where credit is due.

    Not sure if article curation is for you? Ask yourself these questions.

    Do I struggle to provide consistently fresh content for my followers?
    Am I frequently looking for ways to build my audience?
    Do I wish to establish myself as an authority on a topic?
    Am I looking for a new way to share my post?

    If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then is just what you are looking for. It has everything you need for having great content for your website or blog. Plus, you can customize your account to suit what you need. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to get started on your account. 

  7. Stats & Facts: Reasons to Use Social Media

    Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest – these are but a few of the myriad of social media sites used today. As a perceptive business owner, you are already using at least a couple of these-right? After all, social media sites provide you with an inexpensive and simple method of letting people know who you are and what your company does.

    But in using social media, do you keep up with the latest statistics and updates that can help you better use your various social media accounts? If not, no problem! In this post, we will recap some of these, as well as mix some tips for making the most of social media sites.:

  8. New Facebook WordPress Plugin

    By now, you are well aware of Facebook and its plethora of cohorts like Twitter, Google and other social media sites. And, if you are an avid user of Facebook, you also know that Facebook is always changing or adding features-some of these are loved, and others, maybe not so much. 😉 But recently Facebook has released a plugin that, as a business owner you will want to take advantage of – the Facebook Plugin for WordPress.