web design, Raleigh NC

Online video is a hit! It’s popularity has some sources calling YouTube the web’s “second search engine.” Then there are stats like these from a study by Animoto (described in this Search Engine Watch post):

  • 94 percent of consumers watched an online video in the previous week
  • 76 percent of smartphone owners watch videos at least once a week from their phones
  • 73 percent of consumers indicated being more likely to buy a product or service after watching an explanatory video

In addition, using video on websites is frequently cited for sales conversion impacts of 80 percent on up. (Here’s a link to one such a source. )

The bottom line on these statistics is that video can be more likely to help convert web visitors to customers than other forms of content. In light of the TV ads consumers have been watching for more than a half century, it’s not a big leap to consider that video can impact buying behavior.

6 questions to ask when using online video

Clearly, video can be a great tool for business websites, but – like most tools – it takes some planning and skill to use it effectively. When it comes to integrating video into a website and realistically achieving sales conversion goals, success is not automatic. There are a number of factors to consider. Here are six questions to ask when incorporating video into a business site:

  • Are the headlines and accompanying copy compelling – in both words and design? The content on a page needs to work together to attract the reader and engage them enough to watch the video. Keep accompanying words brief and to the point.
  • Are the size and placement of the video on the page most effective? Site visitors will make associations about your video based on its location on the page. Placement at the top left, which ‘mimics’ YouTube, gives a different impression than elsewhere on the page which may be considered ad ad. For similar reasons, the size of the video window should be considered.
  • Does the video catch the viewer’s attention quickly? Some sources cite 8 seconds as the maximum window of time in which viewers decide whether or not to continue watching.
  • Is your video the right length? A suitable length depends upon on the purpose of the video, but viewers generally prefer clips no longer than 2-3 minutes. In some cases, the right length is just 30 seconds.
  • Is there a clear call to action? An effective, compelling video will conclude with a clear call to action, and likewise it should be accompanied by a call to action on the page where it appears. The viewer should easily recognize how to respond, if the video has prompted them to action.
  • Is your call to action integrated with reliable data collection? If viewers are signing up for a white paper or newsletter, for instance, the mechanism to collect their input (name, email address, etc.) should be well planned and executed to make it quick and easy for them. If viewers “click” to transfer to an online store, the transition should be seamless. For the sake of your business, a “call to action” response mechanism should work accurately and securely.

Effective use of video on websites requires considering a variety of factors such as these. At Page Progressive, we start with our clients’ end goal in mind and help them get results. Considering adding a new video to your business website? Call or email us for a free, no obligation estimate.

This article was originally published as a guest post on the Your Local Studio blog.