
  1. 7 Tips for Crafting the Perfect Blog Post in 2018

    Did your company’s New Year’s Resolution list include creating more website content? If so, then chances are, you decided to start writing a blog. After all, having a company blog is great – so long as you can continue to come up with topics, have time for writing or the funds to have someone do the writing for you.

    That can seem like a tall order – especially if you are new to writing or don’t know where you are going to find time to accomplish another item on the “To Do” list. Thankfully, crafting a blog post doesn’t have to be an insurmountable task.

  2. 6 Benefits of Having a Business Blog

    It’s not unusual for a business website to include a blog. But without a plan for maintaining the blog, it is overlooked for months or even years after the first few posts. These businesses fail to garner the perks that having a blog has to offer.

    If you find yourself in this situation, you may find that you need to come up with a strategy to get content developed and posted regularly, or hire someone outside your office to do that for you.

  3. 9 Reasons to Consider Guest Blogging as a Source of Content for Your Site

    If your company has a blog, then you know the challenge of posting consistently and frequently. The blog is often one of the most neglected elements of a website. What if you could not only keep your blog up to date but help someone else too? 

  4. internet marketing, Raleigh, N.C.

    7 Key Components of Strategic Internet Marketing

    Are your customers and prospects finding you online? Nine out of 10 consumers will research products and services online before making a purchase, phone call or reservation. And three out of five will complete their shopping online.

    Businesses are increasingly depending on their web presence for both marketing and sales. Those who are most successful have a strategic plan, identifying their target markets, specifying the online channels to reach them, setting goals, etc.

    Consistent with the ever-changing landscape of the internet, new tools and tactics for marketing and sales can seem to pop up overnight. For those operating a small business, it can be overwhelming to stay informed of the latest best practices. So we’ve compiled this list of key components for consideration in your 2016 internet marketing plan.

  5. Increasing web traffic

    5 Social Media Sharing Guidelines for Doubling Your Web Traffic

    Have you jumped into the world of content marketing or blogging? Small business owners who have been hanging around us for awhile have likely heard about the benefits of posting new content regularly on their websites, with blogging being one way to accomplish this. Last year, we published an introduction to content marketing and its importance for small businesses as well as follow up posts on strategy and tips for busy business owners.

    If you’re publishing regular content on your site, then you want to get as much mileage as possible from that content. (We know the time and effort it takes!)  We recently found a KISSmetrics post that addresses this subject, providing advice on using social media to do just that, and we dedicate this post to sharing their insights.

  6. SEO Optimize Search Results

    SEO: 6 New “Rules of the Game”

    When thinking about SEO (Search Engine Optimization), many people immediately think of keywords – using certain designated words frequently throughout a website in order to be picked up in searches for those words. Several years ago, this practice was a primary way to optimize a website – but search has changed (led primarily by Google, the largest and most frequently used search engine). Keywords still play an important role but in a different way.

    Staying up-to-date on SEO is essential for  increasing, even maintaining, traffic to a website – but it can be a challenge as the “rules of the game” are continuously changing. Here’s a look at 6 current factors for optimizing a site.

  7. 17 Content Marketing Tips for Busy Business Owners

    Content marketing is a useful and effective tool for generating website traffic and sales leads, but the demand of creating content can be heavy for the busy business owner. In a 2012 study by the Content Marketing Institute, more than six out of 10 respondents said their biggest content marketing challenge was “producing enough content.” For everyone who identifies with these survey participants, we have compiled this list of content marketing ideas that can be applied to your websites, blogs and social media.

  8. Have You Discovered the Latest? Get the Scoop on

    Content is king. Nothing new about that, is there? Also not new, is that many of us do not have the time to create new content. So, we farm it out within the office, hire a copywriter or perhaps, do nothing at all. But, what if there were another alternative to Web content? Enter curation via

    By Marc Roger’s, one of the founders of, definition, curation on the Web is defined as selecting, editing and then sharing existing material. These shared ideas are often what spark inspiration. After all, there is no reason to recreate what has already been created. And should there be any concern about plagiarism or copyright issues, is careful to give credit where credit is due.

    Not sure if article curation is for you? Ask yourself these questions.

    Do I struggle to provide consistently fresh content for my followers?
    Am I frequently looking for ways to build my audience?
    Do I wish to establish myself as an authority on a topic?
    Am I looking for a new way to share my post?

    If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, then is just what you are looking for. It has everything you need for having great content for your website or blog. Plus, you can customize your account to suit what you need. So what are you waiting for? It’s time to get started on your account.